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Monday 19 March 2012

Miss You, Good Luck & Mini Candy

Hello peeps,
I've been meaning to post these cards for a couple of days but I've had a very stressed out & tearful baby girl needing lots of support & reassurance.
After 6 months of waiting Jodie had to go to Magistrates Court this morning to give evidence for the Prosecution along with two other girls, & after much waiting around, meeting with the Barrister, Usher, Witness Support lady explaining they can give evidence from behind a screen so the defendant can't see them etc, the case never even got into court as the case before it was going to take up most of the day so they had to adjourn the trial. Due to good old Government cutbacks closing 2 other Magistrates Courts in Somerset there is such a delay in trials the next available date to return to Court is in September, which will mean over a year after the incident took place they will eventually give evidence! As you can imagine there were more tears & 3 unhappy girlie's & parents knowing they are going to have to go through it all again in 6 months time, at least next time they have guaranteed the trial will be a priority case so unless the thug changes his plea to guilty & the girls not need to give evidence, the trial will definitely go ahead.

We decided to go and have a slap up brunch as nobody felt like eating before we left home this morning, on the way to brunch I somehow "accidentally" wandered into Hotel Chocolate lol. OMG I do love that shop, I did ask the assistant if she could not make it so obvious that she recognises me from having previously accidentally wandered in there once or twice before lol. Naturally I came out several pounds poorer but with a nice stash of mainly Caramel chocolate in my bag & a few free samples in my tummy too, but I did have a big smile on my face which made Jodie & hubby laugh so that was all that matters lol.

Today I have a couple of cards to share that I made for Jodie to give to friends, the first was to give to Angela her lovely boss at work who applied for a transfer to a store closer to her home to cut out the time & cost of travelling so far to work, Jodie is really going to miss her.
 Ingredients -
Image - Magnolia, Medium - Copics, Papers - Prima, Pearls - Melissa Frances, Flowers - Kort & Godt & Wild Orchid, Butterfly - The Craftz Boutique, Feathers - Etsy, Lace - eBay, Pin - homemade, Tools - MS Cherry Blossom PATP, Whiff of Joy tag, Marianne Creatables decorative elegance
 I'm entering my card in the following challenges -
Kreative Stamp Friends - Spring, Make It Monday - anything goes, Stamp With Fun - feathers
Next up I have a good luck card for Jodie's deputy manager Dan who has been promoted and left on Saturday to run his own store in London, he says 3 years of Jode is all he can cope with lol. Dan's another she will miss so I've told her she must be nicer to her managers in future then they might stay lol.
 Ingredients -
Image - Teddy Bo, Medium - Copics, Papers - Kaiser, Chapter One, Twine - The Ribbon Girl, charm, doliy & pearls all from stash, Tools - MS border punch.
Copic colours used - fur E37, E34, E31, E30, shirt - C1, C0, C00, hat & trousers C4, C3, C1, C00, all green G99, G94, G85, G43
I'm entering this card in the following challenges -
 Alphabet - good luck, Cardmad Fairy - add a sentiment, Daring Cardmakers - lucky green, Sweet n Sassy - inspired by green, Totally Papercrafts - male card, Fab n Funky - luck of the Irish, Little Red Wagon - lucky you, The Paper Shelter - for the boys, Sweet Stampin' - lots of green, Crazy 4 Challenges - use some green

The photo session was cut short as Daisy Mae kept moving & sitting directly in front of the card no matter how many times I put her on the floor, she's so vain lol. 
Before I go peeps I have a little mini candy to share, I bought another couple of Magnolia Mini World stamps & the shop sent me 2 the same instead of the 2 different one's I ordered so rather than mess about sending one back I thought I'd offer her as a mini candy.
*Magnolia MINI 370 TILDA WITH DAFFODIL Rubber Stamp Butterfly Dreams 2011 
If you'd like to give Mini Tilda with Daffodil a home just let me know in a comment peeps, there's no need to post it on your blog, I'll get Jodie to pick a winner in a couple of days time.
Thanks for stopping by


  1. Oh dear Mandy..what an awful thing to happen to Jodie and her friends.
    All that stress and strain in the build up to going to court and all for nothing! It's such a draining experience for all involved, and for all the girls parents too.

    Two fabulous cards...I bet they only really left in the hope they got an extra special Mandy card :)

    Love & hugs
    Elaine xxx

  2. What a time of it you have all had, glad you made a moment for the choccies, always guaranteed to make you feel happier. thanks for the chance to win a maggie. good luck and best wishes for september and remember the chocolate shop will probably be open then too!! hugs heid x

  3. Your two cards are so beautiful. I love them both. Thanks for the chance this cute Tilda stamp.

    Hugs, Uta

  4. Hi Mandy,
    You and the girls have had a awful day, its not fair our court system is so slow, hopefully things may change and it will get sorted.
    your cards are wonderful and love the colours and the Ted is unusual, Bronnie took part in an Irish dance display on Friday, and is looking forward to Nec on Sat,
    big hugs to you and the girls
    Heather & Bronwyn x x

  5. These cards are both lovely. I am sure they will be well received. Nice little candy too. Thanks for offering it to one lucky person.

  6. hiya sweetie
    i'm back in blogland, not on my blog yet, but mayby tomorrow i'll place it on my blog sweetie
    your card is super cute hunni, and the image is superrrrrrrrr sweet
    thanks for the chance to win the adorable tilda sweetie
    now i want to tell you some good news from my side, my hubby is transplanted he has new lungs now and he's of ic today, that's why i was not around, i diden'd had internet in the hotel were i was staying for a couple of day's, finaly some good news hunni
    hugs angelique

  7. To awesome cards.

    Thanks for giving me the chance to win!

    Hugs, Hilde

  8. I don't know what your girl had been through but sounds awful to have to go to court so many times..

    Isn't it weird how you accidentally bump into the same shop's again and again ;) I've had too many accident's on the web stores lately *blushing*

    Your cards are amazing!Beautiful coloring♥♥

    Would love to give Tilda a new home :)

  9. Lovely cards - both beautifully colored, wonderful shading.

  10. Oh Mandy, what an ordeal with all the upset of the court. Hope all goes well. Fabulous colouring on your cards as usual and thank you for offering Tilda as a mini candy. So cute!
    Tine :)

  11. Ooohhh Mandy, these cards are so beautiful!
    On the Tilda Card the blue "flower" or it! I've never seen it before. Very very nice!

  12. Beautiful card Mandy. Love it.
    Sweet candy too. I love magnolia stamps, thanks so much for the chance. Someone is going to be really lucky.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  13. Big hugs to you all, its a stressfull time for everyone. Thanks so much for the chance to win - and if you ever want to do a chocolate swap with someone in New Zealand just give me a holler ;-)

  14. I love your chocolate story, and they should teach clerks to unrecognize shoppers!! thanks for a chance to win this lovely little stamp too!

  15. Absolutely love your cards!! They are gorgeous!!! Thanks for a chance to win minni tilda!! she's very cute!! HUgsx

  16. Aww! Mandy, poor Jodie, we had exactly the same when our son got mugged on the bus. They eventually pleaded not guilty. I would still love to get my hands on them. Hope the girls are all ok, bless 'em. Love both gorgeous cards and of course gorgeous Daisy Mae.

    Donna x

  17. Hi Mandy, I would love to have this cute Tilda, I would give her a good home.
    Your cards are gorgeous, and great images and fab colouring.
    Thanks for great opportunity. hugs,Moni

  18. Wonderful pair of cards. Your colourng is fabulous.


  19. Wow you've been through it recently! As with most things in life Chocolate in the answer!! Some absolutely stunning cards! They're both beautiful, love all the embellishments on the first one and the image on the second is so cute! Would love to be in with a chance of winning the digi!
    Nat -x-

  20. Oh boy Mandy what a stressfull day you have had!
    Your cards are wonderful . The Teddy Bo is my favorite, and your colouring is just amazing! Love all the greys and the striking , but beautiful green looks perfect together with it :)
    You really are an artist sweets
    Hope tomorrow will be a good day for you all :)
    Lots of hugs, Jill

  21. Great cards! Love all the embellishments you used and your coloring is superb! OH, I would LOVE to give Miss Tilda a home! :)
    Thanks for a chance to "adopt" her!

  22. I would love to give it a home she is lovely, thanks for the chance! And I loved your card!

  23. Mandy hope everything works out for you and gets better soon! Love your beautiful cards and saw these over on Make it Monday. I would love to be int he chance to win that lovely Tilda aswell :) Thanks!!

  24. Such beautiful cards Mandy each one so inspiring and so perfect!

    My heart goes out to you all I have just been to court for a guy who attacked me last year and it has been and still is such a draining experience.

    I will keep everything crossed for Jodie and her friends that this person pleads guilty!!

    Love & Hugs to you all Love Chanelle xxx

  25. Hi Mandy
    What a stressful day sorry to hear about what Jodie and her friends have gone thru,both of your cards are gorgeous and wow thanks for the chance to win a gorgeous stamp ,take care
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  26. aw hunniw what a awful day for the little poppetts cant imagine how there fealing or how the parents feel too its not fair dragging this out it needs closure for everyone i jst wanna wrap them in tender love too..glad you had a great chocci feast mmm...hope it gets sorted .and your cards are both perfect love them and your colouring is fabulous take care & hugs sassyx

  27. What a stressful day for all of you, I really do hope things turn to your favour with regard to the case.

    The cards are beautiful! I love the first one especially, it's so girly and pretty.

    I absolutely love your cat! I have one very similar to that, in looks and attitude :P you can't give anything but him attention!

    Thanks for the chance to win the candy xxx

    Tags xx

  28. love the beautiful floral border on Tilda's dainty. Love to win the mini Tilda as I don't have any of those mini yet. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Heaney xx

  29. Oh my... what a terrible thing to have happen... I feel for the girls and the parents, to have to keep this in your minds for so long.... grrrr.... at least you made her smile about the chocolate!!! LOL!!! Your cards are utterly divine, I just love your coloring and your work! THAT makes ME smile!!! heehee!
    Hugs, and hugs to the girls...

  30. Sorry for your stressful day! Your cards are so amazing,hope I learn to color like that one day. Thanks for a chance to win.

  31. Happy to hear that after the awful day you had some chocolates that can make you feel better :)
    Your two cards are great, llove specially the Magnolia one... thanks for the chance with the mini one, it's very cute!!!

  32. Oh wow, I LOVE these cards!! That stamps, the colors!!! All is so beautiful!!!
    Love this Tilda stamp so much! and I keep my fingers crossed))

  33. Love your cards alot! they are always well bone and joyful)
    Thanks for the giveaway! i am mad about Tilda images!)))

  34. Aww..poor girls, what a hassle for them, but what wonderful cards you have made..gorgeous colouring,love both images so much...and thank you for the chance to win a mini Tilda...enjoy the choccies...mmmm...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  35. beautiful, saw it on mim xx

  36. Oh my, looks like you all have been through a lot lately. *hugs*
    Both of your cards are amazing, but then again, I always say this because I just looooooove your work. lol
    Oh, and how sweet of you to give us the chance to win this adorable Tilda. I'd be happy to give her a home. :)
    Hugs! xx

  37. So sorry to hear about all the problems Mandy, hope Jodie and the girls are okay and can put it to the back of their minds till September. Chocolate so helps in stressful times.
    Beautiful cards and great candy.

    Pam x

  38. Hi Mandy, me again in my Sweet Stampin' DT capacity - thank you for joining us with this gorgeous Teddy Boo card.

    Pam x

  39. Hi Mandy, don't know the details but I know how stressful it all is my Daughter was assaulted last year and eventually the day it was suppose to go to court they threw it out for lack of evidence. We were devastated. Hope it turns out good for you.
    Onto your cards, as always they are pure joy to see, I absolutely love your colouring and your layouts are stunning.
    Hugs to all, Sue W.

  40. Totally appalling situation for the girls!!!!

    love the cards as always and the little Irish Luck card image is fabulous
    Hugs Kate xx

  41. Both your cards are stunning. Specially 'miss you.' Colors are so pretty and delicate.
    Thank you for the chance to win this adorable mini Tilda.
    Eret xx

  42. Hi Mandy. Both cards are gorgeus. I love feather with dotcs. Thank you for chance to win this little candy. Lily Anuska

  43. Hi Mandy! Your cards are beautiful and the Tilda card so sweet...
    I want the litle Tilda stamp of course...

  44. I love to read what you write... Sorry to hear about the girls that have to wait so long... - Again...
    And I am laughing when i read about you going into that chocolate palace.. :o)..
    Your Cards are lovely.. And that bottom one whas Fun... I love that guy.. -trousers where a .. "slim fit".. ha ha..

    And ofcourse I would love to join in on your mini candy.. :o) Tilda is adorable.. :o)
    Big Hug to you... And your Jodie!!.. :o)

  45. Your cards are beautiful,I saw them on MIM.

    Sending you hugs at this stressful time.

    Hugs Julie x

  46. sooo lovely cards, mandy! as always and details are pretty.. love the colouring... thank u for the chance... :)

  47. Oh boy, you've really been through the mill...and the Hotel Chocolat!! Hope the chocolatey goodness helps! (Though for me it would be cheese!) 2 fabulous cards, which I'm sure will be well received! Love the good luck one, think the papers are really great together. Beautiful colouring, as ever and stunning embellies! Thanks for sharing, too with your mini candy! Lisa x

  48. Awww thats terrible for the girls to have to go through again :(
    Glad to hear that you managed to make something positive out of the day with a lovely trip to buy some yummy chocolate :)
    This lickle Tilda is adorable,thanks so much for the chance to enter.
    Fiona L x

  49. Oh dear Mandy, sounds like your daughter having a terrible time at the moment.

    Your cards are wonderful, your colouring is amazing and I love how you put your cards together.

    You are very generous offering a gorgeous tilda for candy. (thank you for the chance of winning her)

    Good luck for September, hope you get the outcome you are hoping for. And hope your daughter does not have to go through much more upset.

    Love and Hugs Kelly x

  50. Hi Mandy poor Jodie she must be so upset that the case was adjourned yet again, I do hope that she copes with the time she has to wait before its heard again.
    Stunning cards I love what youve done with them both, the colouring is just gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  51. Hey Mandy,

    your cards are sooooooo wonderful again.

    I love this little Dafodil Tilda and cross my fingers for winning :D.

    Many hugs to you and your hubby

  52. Great cards!
    and Daisy Mae is soooooo beautiful!
    Thanks for the chance to win this little sweetie :-)

  53. Sorry things didn't go to plan Mandy, can't imagine how stressed they must all be feeling, hopefully in September the verdict will make up for all the messing you've had! Love the cards you're showing today, especially the Teddy Bo Image, he's a real beauty! Gorgeous cat too, min'e like that when I get laptop out, she comes and lies just in front of it and I can't get to the keys lol gotta love em! xx

  54. Hi Mandy,
    What a difficult time. I hope this will a be over soon!

    Such beautyful cards you have made!
    Love it and I love to play along with your candy.

    Hugs, Karin

  55. Hi Mandy!
    Beautiful cards.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win mini Tilda.
    Have a good day.

  56. Hi there Mandy~~~Wow we have been having such nice weather--I am doing spring yard and house chores--which means not much time to visit blogs. Your cards are adorable and that cute Daisy Mae.....just wants to be noticed :D LOL
    Awhh that Mini tilda Is truly sweet--would love to give her some love!!
    God bless
    Mary lou

  57. O dear Mandy what a awful ordeal for the girls ! thats the good all British Justice service for you!!! I do hope the girls can cope ok! bless you!!

    Your cards are fabulous as always, I would love to give the mini Tilda a home! Hugs May x x x x

  58. Sorry Mandy I pressed button to quickly, just to add wee Daisy mae is Gorgeous Hugs May x x

  59. Wow your cards are AMAZING! coloring superb! & details are Amazing. Thanks for joining us at Alphabet Challenge.

    I just finished doing my jury duty here in the USA,it took 2yrs for a capital murder case to go to trail.It felt good doing my civic duty, & abiding by our laws. Hopefully all goes well with your case too.Prayers of strength & patientces to Jodie & the other girls.


  60. Oh what a difficult time for your daughter and that would make it hard for you too. Gosh and to go through it again in 6 mo..that is just torture. Hope things resolve and that this experience will serve in something.

    Your cards are gorgeous; love the softness of them and you know I admire your coloring; just FAB!


  61. Awww poor Jodie, I have never had to go to court so can only imagine what she was feeling, bless her. I too love Hotel Chocolat, we have one sort of local to us...yum yum! Your cards are stunning, such gorgeous details and the images are coloured to perfection xxx

  62. Oops, forgot to say thank you so much for the chance to win your candy, she is adorable x

  63. This is a beautiful card so glad I came over from make it Monday to have a look x

  64. Oh Mandy, so sorry to hear about your tearful girlies :( My thoughts are with you all xo. I love your 2 cards today; they are just gorgeous. You do such a fabulous job. Thanks so much for sharing them with us & a huge THANK YOU for offering that sweet Matilda stamp as a mini candy. I just love her so I really hope I win.
    Hugs, Tracey

  65. Oh Mandy, so sorry to hear about your tearful girlies :( My thoughts are with you all xo. I love your 2 cards today; they are just gorgeous. You do such a fabulous job. Thanks so much for sharing them with us & a huge THANK YOU for offering that sweet Matilda stamp as a mini candy. I just love her so I really hope I win.
    Hugs, Tracey

  66. bonsoir
    bon courage pour vos Ă©preuves.
    bravo pour vos superbes cartes.
    Ă  bientĂ´t

  67. Oh Mandy, so sorry to hear about your tearful girlies. You are all in my thoughts. I love the cards you posted today, they are just gorgeous & you always do such a fabulous job. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations with us. A huge THANK YOU for offering that sweet Matilda stamp as a mini candy. She is so cute & I hope I win her.
    Hugs, Tracey

  68. All your cards are just wonderful, thank you so much for sharing them and the chance to win.

  69. Wow beautiful cards Mandy, I love the first one with the gorgeous and so elegant flowers... sorry also to hear about the court thing.. even here court proceedings take so looong!

  70. Wonderful cards, I love the teddy image, looks like your cat does too, Thanks so much for joining in at Paper Shelter this week
    Hugs Julie P

  71. sounds like your daughter needs her mum right now and family should always come first :O) Beautiful cards you have made here hun yet again do love it when you post makes my day :O)I too would love to give mini maggie a new well loved home :O) Hope your day improves and turns out to be really great Marie

  72. First of all Mandy poor Jodie what a stress it must have been for you all hopefully she can try and push it to the back of her mind again until September.
    Lol at you and hotel chocolat though we have one too in town and it is soooo fabulous!
    Both of your cards are just stunning sweetie I love the teddy bo one I hope Jodie gets new bosses just as nice!
    Hugs Rebekah xx

  73. Hi Mandy, your cards are stunning and I so know what you mean about Hotel Chocolate I can never just walk passed, it would be pure bad manners! loving the candy, thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Angela.x

  74. Hi Mandy, your cards are stunning and I so know what you mean about Hotel Chocolate I can never just walk passed, it would be pure bad manners! loving the candy, thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Angela.x

  75. Hi Mandy, Oh wow both cards are stunning and thank you for the chance to win this image :) x

  76. Your cards are seriously beautiful! Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon :)
    Joanne xo

  77. Your card is so beautiful. I always love to see all the details on your cards. Thanks for the chance to win the cute mini Tilda.

  78. fab card, thanks for joining us at FnF :)

  79. Hi Mandy,
    Your cards are very very lovely!!
    I like also your candy.
    Thanks for the change to win it.

  80. Sorry to hear about your troubles this week Mandy hope everything will turn out ok in the end :) love your cards and of course Daisy Mae who also made an appearance she's gorgeous have a lil messer like her at home too thanks for the chance to win a gorgeous maggie stamp hugs Mandy xxx

  81. Kolejna piękna praca . Wszystko ze sobą cudownie współgra .
    A stempelek słodki .
    Pozdrawiam Mili

  82. Oh Hunny, How awful ForJodi and her friends, and you hate seeing your kids upset, they will always be your babys no matter what the age ey...
    Love both cards, and how cute is teddy bo...
    Love him..
    Please enter me to win ur candy, how cute is she, i have a good home waiting with our new Ella-Mae,lol
    Huge Hugz
    Kenzie xx

  83. both cards are totally stunning!!
    oh, so sorry you have to go to court again... and hotel chocolat?? sounds so yummiee!!! I'm a chocolate freek, so this store for me would be a paradise!! lol lol

    Thanks for the chance to win a lovely mini stamp! dont have this one in my collection yet!!


  84. Sounds like you had a tough day Monday, my best wishes to your family. Love both your cards, Teddy Bo is soo cute with his shamrock! Thanks so much for playing along with Sweet Stampin x

  85. Hi hun
    wowzer two fantastic cards as always hun,awesome colouring as always, thank you for joining us at Totally Papercrafts this week, sue,x

  86. Gorgeous cards! Thanks for joining in with the Daring Cardmakers Lucky Green challenge x

  87. Lovely card, but I really love the teddy with a shamrock. What a sweetie! Thanks for joining us at Fab N Funky this week!

  88. What a amazing cards ;o)
    Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.

    Janneke XO

  89. Thoughts and love for the Girls Mandy and all concerned xxxxxxx
    Love the card, what a fab image and love the papers xx
    hugs Mau

  90. Hi Miss Mandy,
    I like this card its super cute the tilda is really sweet, I liked the Teddy too and all the flowers
    I wished my cards were this cool
    Your really good
    Mackadoodle age 6 x
    I like the stamp too its cool thank you for giving it someone away your kind. X

  91. darling cards, and I love your St Patricks day Card! Thanks for playing along with the SNSDC!

  92. What an awful day.... I'm sure that the chocolate did help afterwards lol I think it does that to all ;) At least to women. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous. And you are so nice to offer the cute Tilda stamp to your bloggers. wow.

  93. Beautiful creations. Love the textures on the first. Saw it on MIM and just had to pop over to have a closer look.

  94. Great cards! Thanks for taking part in the Alphabet Challenge xx

  95. This is just too sweet, beautiful coloring. Thanks for playing with us at SNSDC last week, hope to see you again this week.

  96. These are both stunning, thanks for joining us at Cardmad Fairy this fortnight.....

  97. Very lovely your cards, nice colors. Love juanita

  98. Both cards are gorgeous! Thanks for a chance to win minni tilda - she's very cute.
    Hugs Petra


Thanks so much for hopping over to visit & taking the time to leave a comment
Mandy xx

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